Each year, in January, millions of people look for some miraculous fixes to counteract the harmful effects of the holiday overindulgence (… and all the excess of the previous 12 months).
I personally do not believe that such quick fix exist, and rather prefer to eat well and exercise throughout the year. But if I had one piece of advice to give you, it would make be to make the following 2 “superfoods” part of your regular menu: TURMERIC and GINGER.
These two roots of the same Zingiberaceae family are basic ingredients in the Indian cuisine and are recommended in the Ayurvedic medicine, because of their cleansing action, both warming and refreshing at a time.
Furthermore, recent scientific studies have demonstrated a correlation between the high consumption of turmeric and ginger in India with the low incidence of some cancers in this country.
In fact, it seems that for tangible curative and preventive effects, one would need to consume very large amounts of these two foods. However, just adding them to your diet can be beneficial!
So please make yourself a “cleansing tea” that is both pleasing to the eyes and the palate.
Is there a recipe for tumeric/ginger cleansing tea?
Hi Joanne, yes, please click on the picture to get the recipe.