Grocery Savings » Testimonials
After discovering this web site last week through a random Google recipe search, I just feel compelled to congratulate you on this AMAZING site! This is without a doubt the smartest, most practical and most enjoyable recipe site I have ever encountered!
I have been searching for years for a site that lists nutrition info for specific recipes and combines menus and serving suggestions. Also incorporating the weeks specials from local markets is brilliant! Once again, congratulations and keep up the good work.
Anne-Marie R. (Montreal, QC, Canada)
3 person household
I love your site and have recommended it to many friends and family as a resource for menu planning, budgeting and nutrition..
Debrah S. (Oakville, ON, Canada)
1 person household
Wow! I am really amazed, this site is heaven sent! Just my kind of recipes, my way of simple cooking, I simply love this place! Our family cut our grocery bill by more than half by subscribing to this incredible service.
Abridged from blog post on gailvazoxlade.com
I’m really enjoying your site and the service it provides. It’s been wonderful in giving me new recipe ideas, and bringing down my grocery bill and saving time 🙂 I’ve recommended your site ot several friends and we’re all getting hooked!
Joanna G. (Montreal, QC, Canada)
4 person household