Chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases can be prevented by not smoking, exercising and a following a healthy diet. As obesity is the common denominator in all these diseases, relearning how to cook has become a priority, in order to reap the extraordinary benefits of a healthy diet on our health and wellbeing.
The SOSCuisine website is, in this respect, remarkably well built and it enables all those who want to discover simple and healthy recipes, to benefit from the incredible work that has gone into the development of the website..
In fact, the SOSCuisine formula helps to put into practice the most recent prevention-related recommendations, by proposing menus based on fresh, non-processed ingredients, and which are within everyone’s reach as they are reasonably priced and easy to prepare. I congratulate the whole SOSCuisine team and encourage them to continue.
Richard Béliveau, Ph. D.
Director, Laboratory of Molecular Medicine, UQÀM Université du Québec à Montréal
A quick note to say thank you. I’ve been subscribed to your meal plans for about 3 years. At the time, I was suffering from anemia and was very much under my healthy weight. I did not have a balanced diet, I lacked an appetite, and could not gain weight. I was discouraged because my goal was to have a baby, but first I wanted to regain my health …
As soon as I started to follow your menus, I got a taste for them. It is from this point that little by little my appetite returned and I started gaining weight.
When I got pregnant, I followed the pregnancy menu and was in great shape for 9 months. My baby is in good health, and they congratulated me on having excellent blood iron levels for a woman who had just given birth. Incredible! I am absolutely certain that your balanced menus are worthwhile. A huge thank you again.
Marie-Eve R. (Laurentians, QC , Canada)
Subscribed to Heart Healthy, Healthy with Pleasure, Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Meal Plans
I’ve been following your SOSCuisine menus for the past 4 to 5 years now. I even talk about it to everyone as the service that brought healthy cooking and eating back into our lives. Here are the reasons that motivate me to use the services of SOSCuisine.
1. My spouse has type 1 diabetes (insulin dependent) and has been carrying an insulin pump for the past 5 years. This means that for everything he eats, the carbohydrates have to be calculated as exactly as possible. SOS provides us with the nutritional information we require to balance the menu and also to do this calculation of carbs. In fact, the Department of Dietetics in my husband’s hospital checked the accuracy of the provided information and reassured us by saying that your service was more than professional and reliable. Thank you!
2. I work full-time and my home is about an hour’s drive from my place of work. I often finish work late in the evening, and I’m usually not back home before 19H00. A bit late to start making dinner and my spouse has no cooking skills to speak of except making peanut butter toasts? So his balanced and carbohydrate-calculated meals have to be ready in advance (Phew, thank god he knows how to use a microwave!).
3. The gourmet SOSCuisine menu has introduced us to new foods and new ways of preparing them; we eat everything, we like eating well and we owe it to ourselves to eat properly. Even after 4 or 5 years, I’m still receiving new recipes! I love how the daily meal plans are balanced: a meal with fish, a vegetarian meal, recipes from around the world, new spices, new foods: thank you!
4. These days, before I leave work on Thursday or Friday, I slightly tweak my new weekly meal plan (I mostly remove the desserts), I alter my shopping list accordingly and send it to my iPhone. I do my grocery shopping, bring it all home and over the weekend, we prepare five days worth of meals for the week! (apart from making toast, my spouse is able to cut the veggies and do the washing up LOL)
So now you get why I’m satisfied;-)).
I seriously think that SOSCuisine should be nominated as a benefactor of humanity.
Line B. (Ile-d’Orléans, QC, Canada)
Subscribed to Healthy with Pleasure Meal Plans (2 people household)
I discovered new recipes, it’s a joy to see what awaits me in my weekly menu. You taught me how to stay focused with my grocery shopping, and gave me good cooking tips… In short, thank you for this great service.
Diane-Andrée B. (Trois-Rivières, QC, Canada)
1 person household
After discovering this web site last week through a random Google recipe search, I just feel compelled to congratulate you on this AMAZING site! This is without a doubt the smartest, most practical and most enjoyable recipe site I have ever encountered!
I have been searching for years for a site that lists nutrition info for specific recipes and combines menus and serving suggestions. Also incorporating the weeks specials from local markets is brilliant! Once again, congratulations and keep up the good work.
Anne-Marie R. (Montreal, QC, Canada)
3 person household
My wife and I have been using your service for well over a year now and we love it! It helps us eat good, healthy meals while managing very busy lifestyles. By cooking for four, we even have great lunches at work.
Jeremy C. (Montreal, QC, Canada)
4 person household
Wow! I am really amazed, this site is heaven sent! Just my kind of recipes, my way of simple cooking, I simply love this place! Our family cut our grocery bill by more than half by subscribing to this incredible service.
Abridged from blog post on gailvazoxlade.com
I love your site and have recommended it to many friends and family as a resource for menu planning, budgeting and nutrition.
Debrah S. (Oakville, ON, Canada)
1 person household
THANK YOU FOR A WONDERFUL SITE. My husband is a very picky eater, to the point that I would no longer tell him what I was making! He would always have a comment like: “Oh I don’t like that very much”, or “What’s that I’ve never had that before I’m sure I don’t like it”. Did I mention he’s my husband and not my child!
With your menus, I have been able to plan the weekly meals and, best of all, I don’t hear him complain or pick at his food anymore. When he is not to crazy about an ingredient, I remove it the next time I make the dish… Heaven no more complaints !!!!
At the beginning, he was a little reluctant, but I new I was on to something when he said: “I really like what you’ve been making lately!”
Your site has allowed us to eat well, give me more time for myself, which in return has resulted in me saying bye bye to 23 lbs (and counting) over the last 7 months!! More free time = time for a long walk, a bike ride, and stress release !!! Thanks again for a wonderful site!
Josee L. (Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC, Canada)I have four kids so cooking time is not so much fun anymore, and quick, simple yet good ideas are much appreciated. I have been giving this site to all of my friends and they all agree that this should have been invented years ago. Thank again for the wonderful site.
Susie R. (Gatineau, QC, Canada)
5 person household
I subscribed to the free package shortly after the meal planning service came into existence. I recently learnt about the paid service plans. When I retired in October 2013, my main task at hand was to give up smoking and as a result, I put on 40 pounds. With no incentive to cook since I live alone, it was easier to eat out and continue to put on weight.
About 3 months ago, I subscribed to the weight loss diet and two weeks ago I unsubscribed as I felt I had enough menus to guide me. BIG MISTAKE! I’m seriously thinking of subscribing again since I’m not done losing weight and I’ve grown used to being guided, and seriously when someone my age (69 years) has to lose weight, it’s much better to have experts like you show me the way in such a great manner.
You’ve been part of my life for about 10 years now and I thank you for all the delicious dishes I’ve tasted thanks to you.
Just to clarify, I’m vegetarian and it’s reassuring to note that you ensure that my diet is wholesome.
Hélène D. (Trois-Rivières, QC)
Subscribed to the Lacto-ovo-vegetarian Meal Plan, (1 person household)
I took a subscription a little while ago and I’d like to tell you that I love the meal plans that you send me. The recipes are easy to make and delicious.
Since we are vegetarians, it’s not always easy to find new ideas to add variety to the menus. I like the fact that there are leftovers… I eat them for lunch at work. This just shows that your recipes are very good!
Yanick L.
Subscribed to the Lacto-ovo-vegetarian Meal Plans
I just wanted to congratulate you for the fantastic work you are doing!!!! I urge you to keep it up because your site meets a huge need for the population, and more specifically for vegetarians (and vegans, even though we more rare). Kudos to the team!
Marie-Jeanne C. (QC, Canada)
Subscribed to Meal Plans for Vegetarians