The FQCS has entered into a collaboration agreement with SOSCuisine, through which the physicians, dietitians and nurses who work in the newtwork of 44 health cooperatives can now benefit from several advantages and services in the area of nutrition therapy. This notably includes Continuing Professional Development courses on several evidence-based dietetic interventions, given by SOSCuisine’s team of dietitians. The agreement also provides exclusive benefits for patients of these same cooperatives.
The word from the FQCS
M. François Allaire
FQCS’s Director
The FQCS represents 44 health cooperatives in 14 administrative regions, each with an average of 2,000 patient-members to whom they provide first-line health services, both curative and preventive. These services are offered by their 230 general practitioner MDs, their 115 nurses and dozens of other health professionals who together manage 280,000 medical files. The coops are non-profit.